Q. What is the service area of the district?
A. The districts service area covers from Golf Creek Road, Village of Cobbly Nob to the Sevier County/Cocke County line.

Q. Where does our water come from?
A. The district purchases water from Newport Utilities Board; they get their water from the French Broad River.

Q. Why is my bill so high?
A. Rate factors unique to Webb Creek Utility District

  • Small customer base
  • Transient seasonal customer base
  • Difficult steep terrain and variable topography
  • Full sewer treatment facilities
  • Treated sewer discharge to high quality waters
  • Unusually high fixed costs of providing service

87% of water service cost recovery in minimum rate

94% of sewer service cost recovery in minimum rate

Q. How do you become a commissioner? A. The district submits 3 names to the Sevier County Mayor when a commissioners term expires or there is a vacancy to the board. The County Mayor appoints the commissioner.

Q. Is there a special rate for part time residents?
A. No, the cost of providing the service does not change if you are here or not.

Q. When I leave for the winter can I disconnect my service?
A. You may disconnect your water service, but you may not disconnect your sewer service.

Q. Why can’t I disconnect my sewer service?
A. You are paying an availability fee for sewer, therefore the service cannot be disconnected.

Q. When I return how much does it cost to reconnect my water service?
A. The reconnection fee is $70.00, which is non-refundable.

Q. Are transfer fees or reconnection fees  refundable?
A. No, these fees are not deposits they are non-refundable service charges.

Q. How much pressure is the district required to provide customers at the meter?
A. 20 psi (minimum at meter)