April 2013


Webb Creek Utility District


Friday, April 5th, 2013



Commissioners Present

John Steven McCarter, President

Robert Vick, Vice President

Delmar Ball, Secretary


In Attendance

Donald Wallace, Utility Customer

James Sunstein, District Manager (Staff)

Janice Fenoglio, Assistant Manager (Staff)


Mr. McCarter called the April Board of Commissioners meeting of WCUD to order at 10:03

a.m. at the district office 3625 Lindsey Mill Road, Gatlinburg.  All Board of Commissioners were present.


Motion to approve agenda made by Mr. Ball seconded by Mr. Vick and passed.


After a lengthy discussion regarding the February 2013 minutes Mr. McCarter made a motion to approve February and March 2013 meeting minutes, seconded by Mr. Ball and passed.


Mr. Vick questioned the financial statements, after the questions were answered Mr. Ball made a motion to approve February 2013 financials, seconded by Mr. Vick and passed.


Outdoor Resorts of America (ORA) did not have a representative present.


Mr. Gass was not present.


Mr. McGill was not present.


Mr. Sunstein reported the water loss for March 2013 was 31%, 868,540 gallon there was one leak located and repaired.  The staff is diligently trying to locate any leaks.


Outdoor Resorts March 2013 was 930,229 gallons.


Mr. Sunstein and Mr. Wayne Ball are training in the office.  Mr. Sunstein desires to learn more in the office as well.


Motion to approve Revision #5 to the Leak Adjustment Policy made by Mr. Vick, seconded by Mr. Ball and passed.  Copy is attached.


Preferred Sand Blasting has not began setting up on the site to begin sandblasting the 300,000 gallon water storage tank due to inclement weather.  They should begin the beginning April 8,2013.


The Board of Commissioners concurred to use the money market funds to pay for the tank painting and to replace the funds after the loan is approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury.


Mr. Sunstein reported that the 300,000 gallon water storage tank will be out of service for the next week.  The Pittman Center Volunteer Fire Department is being kept informed of the situation.


There was a discussion regarding a second workstation in the district office at the cost of $1411.00.  The duties will be divided between Wayne Ball who will be handing the RVS the billing and Mrs. Fenoglio who will be handing the Mas90 the accounting.  This will segregate duties of handling district funds.  Mr. Ball and Mr. McCarter were in favor of purchasing the workstation.  Mr. Vick wasn’t in favor or wasn’t not in favor he stated he was on the fence he wasn’t sure of the use of the workstation.  The final decision regarding the workstation will be left up to Mr. Sunstein.


Mr. Vick questioned Mr. Wayne Ball’s certification for wastewater.  Mr. Sunstein stated he had taken the wastewater exam in 2012 and did not pass it however there were most of the class that failed due to the way the study guides and the test were prepared.  Mr. Sunstein stated Mr. Ball needs to keep taking the test until he passes it.  Mr. McCarter questioned if Mr. Ball was required to be certified in the first year are we legally working him and is there anything the district can do to help him pass the test?  Mr. McCarter stated we need to get him certified.  Mr. Sunstein stated that Wayne Ball has done a very good job learning the billing system.  He also stated that Mr. Vick brought up a good point he should have learned more of the billing and accounting system.


Mrs. Fenoglio had no official report.


Mr. Vick stated that the Utility Management Review Board Meeting with Bent Creek Golf Village will be June 6th, 2013.


The case with Outdoor Resorts has been closed.


Mr. Vick suggested the district requests that Mr. Bart Kreps of RFC officially present the rate study to the Board of Commissioners and go over the data with them and to do this on an annual basis.


Mr. Vick questioned the loan approval, the Debt Management Policy shouldn’t the district have Daniel Franklin look over the Debt Management Policy since he is the district’s auditor.  Mrs. Fenoglio to have Mr. Franklin to review the policy.


Mr. Vick stated Mr. Gass and Mr. McGill needed to be nudged regarding the loan.  Mrs. Fenoglio stated she had tried on several occasions to get in touch with Mr. Gass regarding the loan and had not heard from him.  Mrs. Fenoglio stated Mr. McGill had been in touch regarding dates for the Bent Creek Meeting he had submitted to Mr. Gass and he had not heard from Mr. Gass either.


Mr. Vick stated to emphasize in the loan request to the State Comptroller that the funds are for the tank painting and other utility projects.


Mr. Vick requested all tapes of Board of Commissioners meetings be kept until after the minutes of the meeting are approved.  Mrs. Fenoglio stated they currently are kept in the fireproof filing cabinet just as prescribed by district policy.


Mr. Ball had no official report.


No Unfinished Business.


Motion to adjourn meeting by Mr. McCarter, seconded by Mr. Ball and passed at 11:45 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,


Janice Fenoglio

Assistant Manager