July 2013
Webb Creek Utility District
Friday, July 5, 2013
Commissioners Present
John Steven McCarter, President
Robert Vick, Vice President
Delmar Ball, Secretary
In Attendance
Wayne Ball, Interim District Manager (Staff)
Angie Parton, Interim Office Manager (Staff)
Outdoor Resorts of America
Gary McGill, McGill and Associates
Jim Gass, Ogle, Gass, and Richardson, Attorneys at Law
Donald Wallace, Utility Customer
John Steven McCarter (McCarter) called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. at the district office located at 3625 Lindsey Mill Road, Gatlinburg, TN 37738.
Robert Vick (Vick) made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Delmar Ball (D. Ball), with all voting in favor of the motion.
D. Ball made a motion to approve the minutes from 7/5/13 and Vick seconded with all in favor of the motion.
Outdoor Resorts of America (ORA) did not have a representative present.
Gass gave an update on the UMRB meeting which was cancelled at the last minute. He anticipated they would reschedule the next “official†meeting on 8/2/2013 in Nashville.   We would be discussing Bent Creek’s argument of the definition of a unit and water usage.   Both BCR and Diamond Resorts had representatives and their lawyers in attendance. Gass and Gary would like to meet with the representatives and Jim Vance. He felt their attorney understood our definition of a unit and perhaps he could convince his clients.
Gass reported that he has had not heard any information from the auditors regarding the status of the investigation.
During this time, Wayne Ball presented a report from Kenneth Hollow concerning forensic evidence of unauthorized usage of James’ computer and is to review WCUD’s policy and report an answer as to action that may be taken.  Wayne has not sent a copy of the findings to the comptroller. McCarter has discussed the computer findings with the comptroller and the comptrollers told him to save the PC for now. Gass will share with comptroller what was on James’ computer.
Gary McGill discussed Pinnacle View’s request for fire hydrants. Gary was not in favor of the request.  Wayne discussed that the customer was under the impression the project had been approved months ago when James was still the District Manager.  None of the commissioners recalled the approval.
Wayne Ball brought up a SCADA control system for the water monitoring. The system could control tank levels and if a leak occurred, a valve would automatically close and shut off allowing no more water to leak which would decrease the flow from Newport other than what is needed.  The SCADA system would allow operation from home and would contact maintenance mechanics via cell phones.  Cell phone towers may be needed to assist with reception for the system. Savings would include phone bills, usage of water from Newport, and other expenses.  Gary uses the system and was in favor.   Wayne presented a cost quote of approximately $26,000 for the initial system plus additional costs for support, training, and maintenance.   Gary McGill uses the system and recommended moving forward with the project. D. Ball made a motion to move forward, Vick seconded with the motion passing.
Wayne reported a loss of 7% caused by a leaky hydrant.
Wayne discussed problems that we had been having with the hand held meter readers.   We have had trouble loading the readings and last time all of the data was lost and the meters had to be manually read and entered into the computer. The meters were used and approximately 8 years old when we purchased them. He got a price quote on 3 new handhelds at a cost of approximately  $5,500.00.
D. Ball made a motion to purchase the new meters, Vick seconded and the motion was approved.
Angie Parton presented the May and June check registers, a copy of the approved 2013 budget, and a System Totals Report for the commissioners review. In addition, copies of upcoming seminars were given to the commissioners if anyone was interested in attending.  The commissioners authorized the district manager to send other staff members to various local seminars and training as necessary. Vick made a motion and D. Ball seconded with the motion passing.
With D. Ball making a motion to adjourn the meeting and Vick seconding the motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.