May 2013


Webb Creek Utility District


Friday, May 3, 2013



Commissioners Present

John Steven McCarter, President

Robert Vick, Vice President

Delmar Ball, Secretary


In Attendance

Gary McGill, McGill & Associates

Donald Wallace, Utility Customer

Wayne Ball, Interim District Manager (Staff)

Angie Parton, Interim Assistant Manager (Staff)


Not Present

A representative for Outdoor Resorts of America

Robert Gass, Ogle, Gass & Richardson


Mr. McCarter (McCarter) called the May Board of Commissioners meeting of WCUD to order at 10:00 a.m. at the district office located at 3625 Lindsey Mill Road, Gatlinburg.  All Board of Commissioners were present.


Motion to approve agenda made by Mr. Vick (Vick) and seconded by Mr. Delmar Ball (Ball).  The motion passed.


Motion to approve April 5, 2013 minutes made by Vick and seconded by Ball.  The motion passed.  The April 17, 2013 minutes for a special meeting were not complete at this time and will be presented for approval at the next meeting.


Financial Statements were not presented at this time.


Mr. Gary McGill reported on several items.  The 300,000 gallon has been repaired.  The project for the Bulter Branch pump station has been put on hold until we determine if this project will be pursued and how it will be handled.   He hopes to resolve this issue by the next meeting, the CNB loan is on hold.  Gary, Mr. Gass, and Mr. Vick had joined a conference call to with Bent Creek Resort (BCR) to discuss the rate disagreement.  BCR has decided not to go forward with this matter since Outdoor Resorts (ODR) had decided not to proceed.   A representative from Diamond Resorts was in attendance as well.  Both WCUD and BCR will revisit concerning the definition of a unit, how usage is determined and review the budget to ensure room for accommodation of their request if changed.   Gary can provide an update to Joyce.  If BCR has a representative present at that time, we should as well.  Robert agreed to go.  Motion by Ball and a 2nd by Mr. Steve McCarter for Robert to attend and the motion passed.  It was cordial meeting.  The Comptroller has asked both parties to give a report as to the status of the matter; if it not settled Comptrollers will get involved.  We asked for an extension, the Comptroller agreed to extend until August, but would like to have a report outlining a resolution by the June meeting.



Interim District Manager, Wayne Ball discussed reported a 29% water loss due to leaks and tank repair.  There are 2 desks and 4 chairs in bad shape we needed to dispose of.  A motion Vick and a 2nd by Ball was made to dispose of them.  Wayne Ball requested to change the nepotism policy to delete nieces and nephews.  There are no state laws governing this issue.  Vick made a motion with the addition of ex-spouses to the list; Ball made a 2nd and the issue was passed.   Wayne recommended hiring Angie Parton full time office manager, Vick thought it best to make Angie’s position interim until the investigation is complete.   Mr. McCarter made a motion to hire Angie as interim office manager until the investigation was complete, Ball made a 2nd.  The motion was passed.   Wayne reported the state gives no requirements concerning a district manager’s qualifications and certifications.  The fire hydrant on St. Andrews Way has been removed as requested.  Newport Paving repaired the asphalt on Bearfoot and Golf Creek.  Wayne stated that James Sustein had been by the office and contacted him by phone concerning pay for his vacation time while on administrative leave.  Wayne discussed the matter with Mr. Gass and his recommendation was not to pay Mr. Sustein at this time.  Wayne informed Mr. Sustein of this and told him not to be on the premises or contact anyone at WCUD.  An applicant come by to apply for a position.  He was very qualified for the job.  Wayne will keep in touch with him.   Suzanne Hicks, CPA came to help train Wayne and Angie on the payroll and accounts payable software.  She expressed an interest to work with WCUD on accounting issues on a regular basis.  She will quote a price for her services and it will be discussed at the June meeting.  A new computer that had been purchased could not be returned.  It was decided to institute a clock in and out system.  Employees will do manual time cards which the employee and the manager will approve.  An invoice for $41,200 bill for painting on the 300,000 gallon tank will be paid.


Don Wallace, a utility customer, asked if we had looked at other resorts that handle lock out units to compare to BCR in hopes that it might help our case.    Mr. McGill has researched and there are no consistencies.  Diamond Resorts had a representative from Las Vegas come down to see how our district works, they have some of the same problems.


Delmar made a motion to adjourn, and Robert made a 2nd.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m.


Angie Parton

Assistant Manager