November 2013


Webb Creek Utility District

Friday, November 1, 2013

Commissioners Present

Steven McCarter, President

Robert Vick, Vice President

Delmar Ball, Secretary


In Attendance

Wayne Ball, District Manager (Staff)

Karen Huffaker (Staff)

Gary McGill, McGill and Associates Engineers

Donald Wallace, Utility Customer



Meeting Minutes


Item 1 – Determination of a Quorum and Call to Order

At 10:00 a.m. with a quorum present, Steven McCarter called to order the November 1, 2013, WCUD Board of Commissioners meeting at the district office located at 3625 Lindsey Mill Rd Gatlinburg.


Item 2 – Approval of Agenda

Robert Vick made a motion to approve the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Steven McCarter with all voting in favor of the motion.


Item 3 – Approval of October 2013 Meeting Minutes

Delmar Ball made a motion to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting held on the October 4, 2013.  The motion was seconded by Robert Vick with all voting in favor of the motion.


Item 4 – District Manager’s Report

Wayne Ball reported a small leak found on Warden Branch that had apparently been leaking for about two and a half weeks.  This leak was fixed and with this considered there was an 8% water loss for the month.


Mr. Ball reported on his conversation with NUB about our water rates for next year.  Sherry from NUB said there would be an increase half way through the year that could be as much as ten percent.


Mr. Ball also reported on making Karen Huffaker and Edward Burke full time employees effective October 25, 2013.  Approval motion was made by Delmar Ball, seconded by Robert Vick and approved by all.




Item 5 – Office Manager’s Report

Karen Huffaker reported on Commissioner’s continuing education hours.  Continuing education hours must be kept by the district.


Ms. Huffaker presented Pugh and Company invoice for Commissioners to review along with rates for Pugh employees that provide assistance to the district.  Robert Vick would like to have a current schedule of per diem fees to show details of expenses that we are charges.  Ms. Huffaker will check on acquiring this information.


Item 6 – Gary McGill

Gary McGill reported on the Bent Creek rate complaint to the UMRB and suggested we update the rate study to study the total water use before we go back to the UMRB.  The Board agreed that this would be beneficial.  Mr. McGill stated that Bart Kreps will need to be consulted so that the update could be prepared prior to the December UMRB meeting.


Item 7 – John Steven McCarter, President Report

Mr. McCarter stated his concerns and questions were about the status of Bent Creek and were already answered by Mr. McGill.


Item 8 – Robert Vick, Vice-President Report

Mr. Vick questioned whether the Bent Creek rate complaint would be heard at the December UMRB meeting or the February 2014 meeting.  It was not known at this time.  Jim Gass would be consulted regarding the timing of the meeting.


Mr. Vick reported on contacting Richard Hill from the independent auditing firm Mitchell & Hill and planned to meet with Mr. Hill in the next couple of weeks to explore any interest in providing independent auditing services for the district.  Mr. Vick suggested that Mr. Hill attend the December meeting to meet other commissioners and discuss his firm’s capabilities.  Mr. McCarter agrees that this was a good idea.


Mr. Vick reported on progress on health insurance for district employees for 2014.  Quotes for health insurance will be received sometime this month.  Mr. Vick suggested that we be prepared to discuss and decide which company and policy is best for the district at the December meeting.


Mr. Vick discussed the need to reserve funds for future capital expenditures such as upgrading the water distribution and installing a control valve at the county line to limit spikes in water usage brought on by the butler branch pump stations intermittent activity.


Item 9 – Delmar Ball, Secretary

Delmar Ball commented on the great water loss percentage of 8%.


Item 10 – Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business.


Item 11- New Business

There was no new business.


Item 12 – Adjourn

Delmar Ball made motion to adjourn.  Robert Vick seconded the motion with all voting in favor.