October 2013
Webb Creek Utility District
Friday, October 4, 2013
Commissioners Present
Steven McCarter, President
Robert Vick, Vice President
Delmar Ball, Secretary
In Attendance
Wayne Ball, District Manager (Staff)
Karen Huffaker, Interim Office Manager (Staff)
Donald Wallace, Utility Customer
Meeting Minutes
Item 1 – Determination of a Quorum and Call to Order
With a quorum present, Steven McCarter called the October 2013, WCUD Board of Commissioners meeting, held at the district office located at 3625 Lindsey Mill Rd, Gatlinburg, TN 37738, to order at 10:00 a.m.
Item 2 – Approval of Agenda
Delmar Ball made a motion to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Steven McCarter, with all in favor of the motion.
Item 3 – Approval of September 4, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Delmar Ball made a motion to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting held on the September 4, 2013 meeting. The motion was seconded by Robert Vick with all in favor of the motion.
Item 4 – District Manager’s Report
Wayne Ball reported an 11% water loss for the month. This percentage is up from 7% last month due to a leak. Mr. Ball reported leak was detected and fixed in a sort matter of time.
Mr. Ball also reported on getting the website updated and the plan to have September’s meeting minutes posted as soon as possible.
Mr. Ball also provided each commissioner a copy of Pugh and Co.’s newest invoice along with a breakdown of the charges making up the said bill. Steven McCarter stressed his concern for continuous high billing with extremely large travel charges. Delmar Ball suggested changing companies. Mr. McCarter and Mr. Vick agreed to check options. Mr. Vick pointed out that current bill was not for audit or investigation expenses but for basic bookkeeping duties that have caught the company up through July and Ms. Huffaker will be taking over these duties as she is trained.
Mr. Vick inquired about our contract with Pugh and Co. Ms. Huffaker will see about getting a copy of the contract. Mr. Vick also reported on e-mail received from Gary McGill concerning independent auditors that can be inquired about. One of these was Mitchell and Hill which are the auditors for the Sevier Water Board. It was agreed upon that Mr. Vick would contact the auditor and make inquiries. Mr. Ball and Ms. Huffaker will check their website and if general interest will discuss at next meeting. Delmar Ball suggested getting three different names to compare. Mr. Vick suggested seeing if Jim Gass had any suggestions. He also stressed the importance of carefully going over any new contracts for details such as travel charge rates.
Mr. Vick suggested we use Barron and Donna from Pugh and Co because they are cheaper than Daniel.
Item 5 – Interim Office Manager’s Report
Karen Huffaker reported on resolving issues discussed at last month’s meeting concerning the company’s credit card merchant company. She can now take credit cards over the phone and also if a customer walks in to the office.
Ms. Huffaker also reported on progress with Mass90 and leaving this program in place until at least the first of the year. At that point she will check into the cost of QuickBooks and cost for technical support for QuickBooks, so we can compare the benefits and drawbacks along with possible savings.
Ms. Huffaker also gave info for November commissioners training meeting. She will contact Joyce Welborn at TAUD to find out what training status is for all three commissioners and report back to commissioners on who needs to attend for hours
Item 6 – John Steven McCarter, President Report
Mr. McCarter stated his concerns were already covered.
Item 7 – Robert Vick, Vice-President Report
Mr. Vick reported on a TAUD administrative training for Karen’s position being held in Nashville in December 4-6. He recommended the commissioners approve for Karen to attend. Mr. Vick made motion to authorize Wayne to authorize Karen to attend this meeting. Motion was seconded by Delmar Ball with all in favor of the motion.
Mr. Vick also brought up status of new hires Karen Huffaker and Edward Burke. The insurance agent is working on quotes for next year and would like to be able to include these two in the group.
Mr. Vick suggested we have a budget workshop at next board meeting to establish a budget for 2014. All commissioners agreed to contact Barron at Pugh & Company to have him come for the workshop to begin at 11:30.
 Item 8 – Delmar Ball, Secretary
No report
Item 9 – Jim Gass
Not Present
Item 10 – Unfinished Business
No unfinished Business
Item 11 – New Business
No New Business
Item 12 – Adjourn
Delmar Ball made motion to adjourn. Robert Vick seconded the motion with all in favor.