Water Usage Tips

Showers:  Multiply the number of daily showers by the number of minutes each shower takes. Now multiply that number by 3 gallons per minute used. Write that number down.

Baths:  Multiply the number of daily baths by 36 (gallons in a full bath) or 18 (gallons in half tub). Write that number down.

Toilets:  Multiply the number of persons in the home by the number of daily flushes. (The average is four per person). Multiply that number by 3, the number of gallons used per flush. Write that number down.

Brushing Teeth:  Multiply the number of persons in the home by the number of daily tooth brushings. Multiply that figure by 3 (the number of gallons used while the faucet runs for one minute). Write that number down.

Dish Washing:  Multiply the number of times per day Dishes are washed by the number of minutes the water is running. Multiply that number by 3. Write that number down.

Hand Washing:  Multiply the number of times per day hands are washed by the number of minutes the water is running. Multiply that number by 3. Write that number down.

Dishwasher:  Add the number of times per week you run the dishwasher and divide by 7 to obtain the average daily usage. Multiply that figure by 12 (the number of gallons used by each wash). Write that number down.

Laundry:  Add the number of loads of laundry done weekly and divide by 7. Multiply that figure by 44 (the number of gallons used per load). Write that number down.

Other Indoor Use:  The people in your household use water in other ways. Multiply the number of persons in the household by 10 gallons. Write that number down.

Outside Watering: You also use water outside (watering plants, washing cars, filling pools, etc). Multiply the number of minutes you have a hose turned on by 6. Write that number down.

Now calculate your household’s daily use. Add up all the numbers you wrote down to get an estimate of the gallons of water used daily. Write the total amount.

Next, calculate your monthly use by multiplying that amount used daily by 30. Write that number down.

This is your estimated monthly usage.