January 2013


Webb Creek Utility District


Friday, January 4th, 2013

Commissioners Present

Robert Vick, President
Steven McCarter, Vice President
Delmar Ball, Secretary

In Attendance

Tom Swango, Outdoor Resorts of America(ORA)
Donald Wallace, Utility Customer
Gary McGill, McGill and Associates
James Sunstein, District Manager (Staff)
Janice Fenoglio, Assistant Manager (Staff)

Mr. Ball called the January Board of Commissioners meeting of WCUD to order at 10:15 a.m. at the district office 3625 Lindsey Mill Road, Gatlinburg.

Motion to approve agenda with changes, items 1 and 2 omitted made by Mr. Ball seconded by Mr. McCarter and passed.

Motion to approve the December 2012 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes the November 2012 financial statements made by Mr. Ball, seconded by Mr. McCarter and passed.

Mrs. Fenoglio reported no response had been received from the County Mayor Larry Waters regarding the appointment of the Commissioner to the Board of Commissioners.

ORA had no official report.  Mr. Ball thanked Mr. Swango for his assistance with ORA and Mr. McCarter stated he also appreciated his willingness to assist in resolving the legal issues with ORA.

Mr. Sunstein reported the water loss 14.7%, 365,180 gallon.  No leaks were reported

Mr. Sunstein reported the 300,000 gallon water storage tank overflowed loosing approximately 40,000 gallons of water.  After a brief discussion Mr. Sunstein to change out the level gauge and replace it with an ultrasonic gauge.

2012 Average water loss 15.7%

ORA sewer usage 756,188 gallons with very little occupants for the month of December 2012.

Mr. Sunstein reported there is nothing to report for 2012 regarding the Identity Theft Prevention Program.

Mr. McGill reported regarding the tank painting contractor everything is set for April 2013.  All contracts are signed and sealed.

Mrs. Fenoglio reported the districts 2013 budget has been approved by the State of Tennessee and published in The Mountain Press as required by The State of Tennessee.

Mrs. Fenoglio informed the Board of Commissioners that notification of the new rate increase will accompany the January 2013 billing, the Board of Commissioners concurred.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Mr. McCarter, seconded by Mr. Ball and passed at 11:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Janice Fenoglio
Assistant Manager